Building infrastructure services


We offer structured cabling solutions where the copper and optical fibre cables are combined into a joined system which meets the standard requirements of cable and data transmissions.

BTT Engineering only uses proven, market-leading, tried, and durable technologies.

Projects and designs

Cabling services

Continuous maintenance service

Monitoring system

24/7 service

Our record

Stands for using more than 200km of cables for a client’s infrastructure!

Contact Us

Get in touch with us and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Ačiū! Gavome jūsų žinutę, susisieksime kaip galima greičiau.
Grįžti į pradžią
Kažkas įvyko ne taip! Bandykite dar kartą.

Do you need our urgent support?

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Ačiū! Gavome jūsų žinutę, susisieksime kaip galima greičiau.
Grįžti į pradžią
Kažkas įvyko ne taip! Bandykite dar kartą.